Blair Horner's Capitol Perspective

Albany Fiddles While Canada Burns (and We Gasp)

Posted by NYPIRG on June 12, 2023 at 8:15 am

Last week, Albany was a tale of two “cities.”  Outside the Capitol building, Capital District residents and much of upstate gasped for air, stunned by the dystopian scenes of an orange air mass enveloping downstate New York due to the toxic smoke plumes from the incredible wildfires plaguing Canada. 

Inside the Capitol, was another story altogether.  Many lawmakers, while not oblivious to the “smoke bomb” that had hit New York, were unwilling to take on the policy challenges that the unprecedented wildfires presented. 

Governor Hochul to her credit urged New Yorkers to stay indoors, wear masks if venturing outside, and dispatched firefighters to help the Canadians. 

While the smoke surely focused New Yorkers on the rising dangers from climate change, the impacts on many were immediate and tangible.  Flights were cancelled, businesses took a hit, schools closed, and those with underlying health conditions suffered.  In New York City, for example, hospitals saw twice as many asthma ER visits as toxic air blanketed the city.

What’s happening in Canada is unprecedented:  So far, more than 2,300 fires have consumed over 9 million acres of forest, far higher than the roughly 650,000 acres that burn, on average, by this point in the season.

Governor Hochul’s public actions urging safety and deploying resources to help Canada are appropriate, but at best short-term responses.  The “smoke bomb” of June is likely to be followed by a “heat bomb” later this summer under which New Yorkers will suffer.  Then hurricane season follows that.  Next year will be more of the same, but likely more intense.

All of those difficulties will cost New York taxpayers – and cost them big.  Rising sea levels, hotter temperatures, more disease and illnesses, additional costs and stress to our health system, damage from more intense storms are all on the horizon.  Right now, New Yorkers are on the hook for all of those costs.

Despite the governor’s rightful efforts to protect the public last week, it was her Administration that earlier this year blocked a Senate plan in the state budget that would have shifted those costs onto the fabulously profitable biggest oil companies.

Yup, you heard that right:  The governor killed that effort.

In reaction to the “smoke bomb” last week, the state Senate did respond and approved legislation that would have shifted the costs onto the oil companies – again.  But this time the opposition came from the Assembly leadership.  Despite the scores of members who supported the legislation, the Assembly chose to block the measure from a floor vote.

In both cases, the public is the one getting stiffed as a result of the decisions made by the governor and then the Assembly leadership.

As mentioned earlier, the costs to New Yorkers of the climate crisis will be enormous.  Experts estimate climate change will cost New Yorkers over $100 billion over the next decade, but that estimate does not include damages from wildfire smoke.  New Yorkers have already been on the hook for $800 million in climate-related costs this year alone.  A report by the think tank Rebuild by Design estimated that the climate costs to New York could be $55 billion by the end of this decade.  Furthermore, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers estimated that it would cost $52 billion to protect NY Harbor alone.  As storms get worse, sea levels rise further and surface waters pose a higher risk of flooding – we don’t even really know what the price tag will ultimately be. Clearly, New York is facing growing – and staggering – climate costs. 

The legislation that attempted to shift the costs from taxpayers to Big Oil, is known as the Climate Change Superfund Act.  That legislation is modeled on the existing toxics superfund law (which deals with land and drinking water contamination) and would make corporate climate polluters financially responsible for the environmental damage that they have caused.  The bill builds in protections so these costs wouldn’t fall back on consumers, according to an analysis from the think tank Institute for Policy Integrity at NYU Law.       

Yet inside the Capitol “bubble,” despite the efforts of the state Senate, this commonsense legislation was blocked.  New Yorkers’ tax bills will continue to rise to cover the mushrooming costs of climate change.

Voters should let lawmakers know how they feel about footing the bill for the damage caused by Big Oil.  It is expected that the Assembly will return later this month.  When they do let them know that Big Oil should pay.

It’s “Showtime” in Albany

Posted by NYPIRG on June 5, 2023 at 7:14 am

After months of debates, state lawmakers are now in the final week of the scheduled legislative session.  If this week follows the historic pattern, lawmakers will approve hundreds of bills this week alone.  Last session, of the 1,000 bills passed during the six months of the 2022 legislative session, 380 passed during the last few days of work.

Passing legislation is not the only significant action to be taken.  The state Senate will also decide whether to give approval to Governor Hochul’s nominee to head the Health Department.  Under New York law, the Health Commissioner must be a medical doctor.  The individual under consideration, James McDonald, has been head of the agency as an interim Commissioner since late 2022 and was nominated for the permanent position by the governor in March.  Dr. McDonald, a pediatrician by specialty and who grew up in New York’s Capital District, was most recently the head of the state of Rhode Island’s health agency.

Last week, the relevant state Senate committees held hearings on the nominee and asked questions to assess Dr. McDonald’s qualifications.  He emerged from that session unscathed and is expected to get final Senate approval during this week.

The state’s Department of Health is an enormous agency that covers vast policy areas, with the department overseeing a budget of some $100 billion.  During the Senate hearing, Dr. McDonald was asked about a wide range of issues, ranging from how the state handled the COVID-19 pandemic, to New York’s state vaccination policies, to plans to fight addictions, to environmental concerns – particularly drinking water protections.

Since individual Senators were timed to a three-minute exchange with Dr. McDonald, the questions tended to be ones that were likely to garner the most public interest, as well as more parochial concerns.  As a result, Senators were unable to dig deeper into health policies (at least not in this public session) and major topics that are clearly of public concern were left unaddressed.

Here are two examples:

One is the skyrocketing growth of infections that are increasingly resistant to antibiotics.  Due to the overuse and misuse of antibiotics in humans and animals, many strains of bacteria have evolved resistance to medically important antibiotics, meaning they are not killed by the drugs.  Instead, the bacteria survive, multiply, and spread.  In fact, the more antibiotics that are used, the faster antibiotic-resistant bacteria (a/k/a “superbugs”) develop, putting more people around the world at increased risk of contracting an antibiotic-resistant infection.  The spread of antibiotic resistance knows no geographic boundaries; it is already compromising medicine’s ability to treat and prevent disease, especially in those who are typically more vulnerable––children, seniors, and those with compromised immune systems.

The World Health Organization considers the rise of “superbugs” to be one of the biggest threats to global health, food security, and international development today.  The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention has stated that fighting this threat is a public health priority and estimates that each year, at least 2.8 million people get an antibiotic-resistant infection, and more than 35,000 people die.  A study commissioned by the U.K. government predicts that if action is not taken now to combat antibiotic resistance, by 2050 the annual death toll will have risen to 10 million globally.

How will New York State’s Health Department tackle this rising threat?  Dr. McDonald was not asked.

The second issue is the poor quality of medical care in New York hospitals.  For the past ten years an organization established by the United States’ largest companies has been issuing reports on the quality of care in hospitals nationwide.  In its most recent report, it ranked New York one of the ten worst in the country in terms of overall hospital safety. 

Why do New York hospitals perform so poorly in terms of safety?  According to the researchers: “The system as a whole didn’t seem to have emphasized safety.  We’ve seen other states work together and look at what’s working well at other states and implement it.  It just doesn’t seem to be happening in New York.  It has to be front of mind every single day in a hospital.” 

Since substandard medical care is a top concern of New York patients, families and employers––we want to be cured, not injured by the care we receive––New York’s dismal performance is inexplicable and frightening.  What was shocking was that Dr. McDonald was not asked one question about it.

As mentioned earlier, the process by which the Senate considers and then approves nominations is limited.  Still, there are important issues that New York’s Health Department must tackle beyond those covered in the Senate’s hearings.  If the Senate confirms the nominee as expected this week, New Yorkers deserve to get answers.  Our lives may depend on it.

Will Albany Protect Voters From Illness?

Posted by NYPIRG on May 22, 2023 at 9:47 am

While you weren’t looking, it got harder to vote in New York.  A voting practice that made it easier to vote has ended and unless state lawmakers act in the next couple of weeks, it will be much harder to get a mail-in ballot.

Due to the COVID pandemic, New York State allowed voters to cast absentee mail-in ballots if they were concerned about contracting or transmitting that deadly illness.  For the elections of 2020, 2021, and 2022, New York recognized that such concern over COVID was a justified way for a voter to obtain a mail-in absentee ballot.  The pandemic ballot rule expired at the end of last year, restoring a more restrictive pre-pandemic rule.

Currently, all states will mail an absentee ballot to certain voters who request one.  The voter may return the ballot by mail or in person.  In 19 states including New York, an excuse is required, while 28 states and the District of Columbia permit any qualified voter to vote absentee without offering an excuse.  In New York, the law limits access to an absentee ballot only in cases where the voter “may be absent from the county of their residence or … if [the voter] may be unable to appear personally at the polling place because of illness or physical disability.”

In response to the pandemic, New York interpreted the definition of “illness” to include a voter’s concerns about the risk of contracting or spreading a disease-causing illness. That was how New York voters could cast their ballots by mail, if they chose. 

New York’s state Constitution is clear: All citizens have a right to vote.  And while the Constitution also defines when a voter may obtain a mail-in absentee ballot, it also states that the Legislature has the authority to determine “the manner” in which the provisions are applied. 

The Constitution clearly grants the power to implement that right to state lawmakers, but it is a “right,” not a privilege.  And policymakers must, from time to time, ensure that obstacles to the exercise that right are as few as possible.

Such is the case with allowing absentee ballots.  The state Constitution explicitly allows voters the opportunity to vote via an absentee ballot when they either may be absent from their county or unable to appear personally because of illness or physical disability.  That provision of the Constitution specifically states that the Legislature is empowered to interpret how to best ensure that such voters will be able to obtain an absentee ballot and vote.  It states that an absentee ballot may be used by a voter who “may be” unable to appear at the polls due to being outside their county of residence or due to illness or disability.  Not “shall” or “will be” unable to appear, but “may” be unable. 

In this way the Constitution appropriately leaves it to the voter to assess their situation in advance of an election and request a vote-by-mail ballot.  This maximizes voter participation without intruding upon personal decisions about how to order one’s life. 

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic underscored the need for the state to broaden the interpretation of “illness” for the purposes of allowing absentee balloting.  Since the pandemic’s onset, New York voters could interpret “illness” for purposes of requesting an absentee ballot to include avoiding the risk of contracting or spreading COVID and vote by mail.  The courts have reviewed the action to define “illness” to include protection from disease and determined that the Legislature was within their power to do so.

For older voters, or those with chronic illnesses, that lack of choice could now place their health at risk – or force them not to vote at all.

Thousands of New Yorkers voted in this manner.  It has been their choice.  Those voters have chosen to cast their constitutionally protected right to vote via the mail and to do so in a manner that protects them from a deadly disease and/or protects poll workers from exposure.  Absentee voting by mail is a choice that has now become part of the fabric of New York’s democratic process.  But that choice has been taken away — unless Albany acts in the next few weeks. 

As lawmakers head down the homestretch of the 2023 legislation session, and with primaries for local offices a month away, they must make sure that New York is doing all it can to meeting that constitutional right to vote while protecting the health of voters themselves.

New York State Can Protect Tropical Forests

Posted by NYPIRG on May 15, 2023 at 9:09 am

New York State’s policies can have an outsized national, and sometimes global, impact. The economy of the State of New York is reflected in its gross state product in 2022 of over $2 trillion, ranking third biggest behind the larger states of California and Texas. If the state were a separate country, it would be the world’s 12th largest economy. Its Gross Domestic Product is comparable to that of neighboring Canada and slightly smaller than Brazil.

When it comes to state budgets, New York’s ranks second to California in spending. So, when New York acts it can drive important policies. Sometimes just what it chooses to buy – or not buy – can have an impact.  An example:  Legislation to ban state agencies from purchasing tropical hardwoods is heating up in Albany and would have a dramatic impact worldwide.

Trees and other forms of vegetation are critical tools in fighting the climate crisis – they serve as natural carbon sinks, reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and help keep the planet cool. However, deforestation of tropical forests is worsening the global climate crisis. It has been estimated that global loss of tropical forests contributes approximately 20% of global carbon emissions annually.

An area of 18 million acres, more than half the size of New York State, is lost every year due to deforestation. Not only is this contributing to global warming, but it also contributes to violations of indigenous land rights in many countries and loss of habitat for hundreds of animal species.

The loss of trees and other vegetation can cause climate change, desertification, soil erosion, reduction in crops, flooding, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for Indigenous people.

When an area is completely deforested for farming, the farmer typically burns the trees and vegetation to create a fertilizing layer of ash. After this slash-and-burn deforestation, the nutrient reservoir is lost, flooding and erosion rates are high, and soil often becomes unable to support crops in just a few years. If the area is then turned into cattle pasture, the ground may become compacted as well, slowing down or preventing forest recovery.

Tropical forests are home to millions of native (indigenous) people who make their livings through subsistence agriculture, hunting and gathering, or through low impact harvesting of forest products like rubber or nuts. Deforestation in indigenous territories by loggers, colonizers, and refugees has sometimes triggered violent conflict.

Deforestation occurs for a number of reasons. The most common reason is agriculture, with 80% of deforestation resulting from extensive cattle ranching, and logging for materials and development. It has been happening for thousands of years, arguably since people began converting from hunter/gatherer to agricultural-based societies, and over time required larger, unobstructed tracks of land to accommodate cattle, crops, and housing. However, after the onset of the modern era, it became an epidemic.

Here is where New York can play an important role. New York has been taking significant action to address climate change within the state’s borders, but it can further those actions by taking on the issue of tropical deforestation. Current law has a prohibition on a limited number of types of tropical hardwoods that the state can purchase but does not ban them all. 

Legislation has been advanced that would make a tangible contribution to battling the loss of tropical forests by dramatically expanding the types of tropical hardwoods that the state cannot purchase. It would also add new measures to ensure that goods derived from tropical forest-risk commodities and sold to a state agency or authority, are not contributing to tropical primary forest degradation or tropical deforestation. Essentially, the legislation, if approved, ensures that companies contracting with the state are not contributing to tropical primary forest degradation or tropical deforestation directly or through their supply chains.

New York State is expected to spend nearly $230 billion this fiscal year. Ensuring that state purchases of wood products are not contributing to the devastation of tropical rain forests is an important goal. Lawmakers are heading into the final 14 days of the 2023 legislative session. A good use of some of that time would be acting to ensure that New York is doing all it can to protect tropical forests. 

Albany Wraps up the Budget, Sprints to End of Session

Posted by NYPIRG on May 8, 2023 at 10:03 am

The big news out of New York’s capital last week was that Governor Hochul and state lawmakers finally adopted a budget.  The final budget – over one month late – with a price tag $9 billion more than last year (roughly 4.5% more) and made numerous changes to policies not closely tied to the budget. 

Governor Hochul had jammed up budget negotiations in order to secure changes in the state’s bail laws to give judges more discretion to require that defendants post bail or stay in jail after arrest.  The issue of the state’s rising crime rate hurt the governor when she ran for election last year and she was determined to get changes to the bail law.  While the connections between bail standards and the rising crime rate are, at best, debatable, she was able to obtain the changes that she wanted.

In another largely not-tied-to-the-budget issue, the governor and state leaders approved a measure that will require that new buildings constructed later this decade will have to rely on electricity, not fossil fuels, to power them.  Environmentalists largely cheered the agreement since it will significantly limit the use of fossil fuels going into the future.  New York is the first state to approve such a mandate.

The $229 billion budget was approved without many significant cuts to programs as the state has been awash in cash as the pandemic ebbed and federal funding was still available.  College students and their families should be happy – the governor’s proposed public college tuition hike and her proposed cuts to financial aid programs for the needy were rejected.  Instead, the state will provide resources to the State University of New York (and the City University of New York) to fund necessary spending.  Left unaddressed in this area is adopting a state plan for reversing the financial decline at many public and private colleges.

The budget would also add to the “rainy day” fund as it is expected that the state will face increasing fiscal difficulties in the years to come as federal COVID financial support dries up. 

Now that the budget is finally finished, lawmakers now turn their attention to non-budget policy issues.  With the end of session scheduled for June 8th, that leaves little time to grapple with complicated legislation.

One issue that impacts the budget and will be central to state spending and policies is how to address the state’s aging infrastructure – in particular roads, bridges and coastline protection – in the age of climate change.

New Yorkers have already spent hundreds of millions on climate damages and resilience this year alone.  Governor Hochul recently announced a taxpayer funded $4 million coastal resiliency project in Jefferson County, part of a $300 million resiliency project for Lake Ontario.  And in just the first two months of this year, she announced a combined $750 million in taxpayer funds to pay for climate change-driven damages.  The Long Island Regional Planning Council is projecting $75 to $100 billion in taxpayer funds for new roads and other infrastructure improvements, thanks to worsening storms and sea level rise.

In addition, a new study from NYS Comptroller DiNapoli found that over a ten-year period (the last five and next five years), 55% of New York localities’ municipal spending outside of NYC was or will be related to climate change.  Separately, the State Comptroller’s office looked at New York City’s FY 2023 budget and found that the City plans to spend $829 million on projects fully intended for climate change adaptation and resilience just this year.  The City also plans to spend an additional $1.3 billion on projects that are partially for these purposes.

Right now, New York taxpayers are on the hook to pay for climate change resiliency and damage projects.  And those costs will only increase.

In the budget, the state Senate advanced a plan to make the biggest oil companies pay $3 billion annually for the next 25 years to help cover those costs.  The Senate plan was also designed to ensure that Big Oil could not pass those onto the public.

Yet the governor reportedly opposed the plan and it was rejected from the budget. 

The climate costs are projected to rise to as much as $10 billion annually.  Governor Hochul apparently wants those costs to be completely borne by the public.  Legislation in both houses seeks to change that by putting the biggest oil companies on the hook, advancing the Senate’s budget plan in a separate bill.  We’ll see how that legislation progresses post-budget.  Will both houses approve the plan and force the governor to decide whether she stands with fossil fuel companies or New York taxpayers when it comes to paying for climate costs?  By early June, we’ll know.