Posted by NYPIRG on April 27, 2015 at 8:08 am


April 22 was the 45th anniversary of Earth Day.  Earth Day has been a way to focus public consciousness about air and water pollution.  This year’s Earth Day focused on the need for actions to curb the growing public threats resulting from climate change.

2014 was the hottest year in recorded history. The world’s experts have stated that the global warming is largely due to human activity – primarily as the result of reliance on fossil fuels.  They argue that the only way to respond to this crisis is to dramatically slash the use of fossil fuels, like coal, oil and gas, which, when burned, emit the greenhouse gases warming the planet.

How will we generate the energy necessary to power the world?  As societies scramble to answer that question, events in New York may offer a blueprint for action.

New York is not only contemplating how to respond to the climate change menace, but it is also trying to move its energy system into the digital age.  Under the current utility structure, the power sector in New York is on track to spend an estimated $30 billion to replace and modernize the state’s aging energy infrastructure over the next decade.  Unless the state makes changes, that $30 billion of investments will increase costs to ratepayers and perpetuate the use of an outdated, inefficient, polluting system.

Ironically, the need to modernize the state’s energy system dovetails with the goal of developing policies that encourage energy use reduction, efficiency measures, and the move to reliance on alternative energy sources, such as solar power.

In New York, the proposed solution is the state’s “Reforming Energy Vision (REV)” plan.  REV is under active discussion before the state’s Public Service Commission.  REV holds great promise for overhauling the state’s rickety energy infrastructure, placing a priority on energy use reduction and efficiency, promoting renewable energy production and building system reliability.  REV, initiated at Governor Cuomo’s direction, has the potential to fundamentally reshape the production and distribution of electric power throughout the state and significantly reduce the creation of heat-trapping carbon emissions—making New York a national and global leader in climate change reversal.

The future of the state’s renewable power and energy efficiency programs now are tightly linked to the REV initiative.  Many of the state’s energy conservation and environmental programs are expected to be absorbed by the new REV system.

According to the plan, these programs will serve as a bridge to smooth transition to the new energy efficiency and renewable products expected to materialize when REV is fully implemented— a process that is expected to span many years.

But in order to further strengthen the state’s REV plan, New York must establish aggressive but achievable long-term goals for efficiency and renewables, with interim targets and other related goals, such as:

  • The state get at least 50% of its power from renewable energy sources by 2025;
  • The state meet 20% of its projected energy demand through conservation and efficiency programs by 2025; and
  • The state reduces by 80% its greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.  That goal has been set by the experts as the minimum reduction necessary to avoid the worst of the environmental problems resulting from climate change.

And of course, these goals must be met while keeping the cost of energy affordable in New York.

REV offers a unique opportunity to allow the state to navigate through the challenges posed by its need to modernize its energy grid while mitigating its impact on global warming.

If the state succeeds, it would offer a real reason to celebrate future Earth Days.