Archive for May 2014

The First to Choose Public Financing

Posted by NYPIRG on May 15, 2014 at 9:02 pm

Last week brought “good news and bad news” on the reform front.

During approval of the state budget in March, Governor Cuomo and state lawmakers agreed to create an option for candidates to obtain public financing for running for state Comptroller.  But that agreement was widely – and correctly – seen as inadequate.

The most obvious problem was that the plan relied on the much (and deservedly) maligned state Board of Elections to administer the program.  The plan stated that the Board will instantaneously set up a matching fund system and do it in time for the already-started 2014 election cycle!

Reformers wanted an independent “campaign finance board” to oversee the public financing system.  And they wanted to give this entity sufficient time to consider and issue regulations and develop the necessary procedures for shepherding and safeguarding the public money under its charge.  Yet the budget plan relied on the New York State Board of Elections to administer its newly formed matching fund program. Read the rest of this entry »

Environmentalists Advance NY’s Earth Day Agenda

Posted by NYPIRG on May 5, 2014 at 12:25 pm

As Albany begins its post-budget agenda, it is remarkable how little the governor and state lawmakers discuss environmental issues.  There are the occasional news releases – lip service really – about green initiatives, but little about policies that seek to reduce the pollution.

There are big environmental issues that need to be addressed – most notably climate change.

According to NASA, last year was tied with 2009 and 2006 for the seventh warmest year since 1880.  And the trend in the average global temperature has been steadily rising. Read the rest of this entry »