Blair Horner's Capitol Perspective

Decisions Loom in Advance of New York’s Presidential Primary

Posted by NYPIRG on August 19, 2019 at 11:39 am

New York is notorious when it comes to a cornerstone of its democracy: voting.  For decades, voter turnout rates have been abysmal, typically ranking at, or near, the bottom in the nation.  An important reason for New York’s pathetic voter participation rates has been its confusing and cumbersome registration system.

New York has one of the nation’s earliest deadlines for being able to register in advance of an election: 25 days prior to Election Day.  And in a peculiar twist, the state’s registration deadline rules dramatically impact voter participation in Presidential primaries.

The Democratic and possible Republican Presidential primaries in New York will be in April 2020.    Under current New York law, the last day voters can change their party enrollment for the 2020 Presidential and state primaries is Friday, October 11, 2019.  

Voters who seek changes of political party enrollment after that date will discover the change won’t be effective until after the November 2020 elections, not in time to be able to vote in the upcoming Presidential Primaries themselves.  For example, voters who wished to change their party enrollment to vote in the 2016 New York Presidential Primary, would have had to apply for a change of enrollment by October 2015, a full 193 days before the Presidential Primary.  New York’s rules are widely considered to be the longest time period in the nation.

But that may soon change.

The first indication came last Spring, when the New York State Democratic Party voted unanimously to change the party enrollment date for the 2020 presidential primary, potentially allowing many more non-Democrats to register into the party much closer to election time.

The state party supported shifting the party switch deadline to 60 days before the primary and allowing voters unaffiliated with a party—the many so-called “independents” who make up a significant portion of the voting rolls—to register as Democrats before the April 28th, 2020 primary.

However, officials at the State Board of Elections argued that such a change cannot occur without corresponding changes in law – a view at odds with the State Democrats.

Thus, last session the Legislature acted.  Both houses approved legislation that would create a February 14th deadline for previously registered voters to change their party enrollment.  This move would allow a voter to switch parties before or on that date. If the change is filed after February 14th, then it won’t take effect until seven days after the state primary election in June and after the Presidential primary. 

In the past, lawmakers have been leery of passing any laws that could threaten incumbents: a raft of new primary voters presents an element of unpredictability for those holding office.  Some elected officials and third parties also were concerned about “party raiding,” the practice of voters ideologically unaligned with a particular political party simply enrolling to make mischief in a primary. 

Yet, New York’s practice has created the longest wait time in the nation and the approved legislation would make a significant change.

As mentioned earlier, New York’s election calendar has been criticized, especially before and after the 2016 presidential primary.  Many unaffiliated voters didn’t learn until days or weeks before the primary election that the deadline to change their enrollment had passed months before.  The approved legislation changes that from a 190-plus day period to roughly 70-plus days for the Presidential primaries.  

With the state Legislature’s approval, the bill will eventually be sent to the governor’s office for approval.  New Yorkers should hope that the governor acts to reduce New York’s longest-in-the-nation barrier to participation by interested voters.

If the governor vetoes the legislation – or if it doesn’t make it to his desk soon – voters and would-be voters should stick to the existing elections timetable and register in the party whose primary they want to vote in no later than October 11, 2019.  In this way, you can be sure to have your voice heard in the elections of 2020.

Will Albany Strengthen Independent Oversight of Government Contracting?

Posted by NYPIRG on August 12, 2019 at 11:03 am

Over the last two years, top aides to Governor Cuomo, a political ally, and big campaign contributors were convicted of bid-rigging and other offenses stemming from state contracts tied to New York State’s economic development projects.  While the governor was never accused of wrongdoing, it was clear that better oversight was needed in the way state contracts are awarded.

Thus, reformers cheered when in this year’s State of the State address, the governor surprisingly announced that he had an agreement with State Comptroller DiNapoli to implement a new process to strengthen oversight of the government’s contact award process.

The governor stated back in January, “Comptroller DiNapoli and I have agreed on a new process to implement procurement reforms.  I want to publicly thank, the Comptroller for his good work and his cooperation.”

The agreement hinged on legislation.  With the legislative session having come and gone by late June, that legislation was never approved.

When the governor was asked last week about the lack of action, he stated that an agreement was, in fact, reached – not legislatively, but administratively.  The Comptroller’s office had a different view, “The details of our agreement were included in the budget proposals of the Senate and the Assembly but did not make it into the final budget and was not resolved before the end of session.”

Why does this matter? 

Under the state Constitution, New Yorkers elect a state Comptroller.  While many states do not have Comptrollers to oversee governmental finances, of those that do, voters in only nine directly elect them.  In other states they are either appointed by the governor or the Legislature.  The rationale for this unusual arrangement is that New Yorkers decided that they needed to have an independent watchdog monitoring the state’s finances. 

In 2011, the governor argued that he needed fewer restrictions on his economic development efforts and lawmakers backed his plan to rein in the Comptroller’s oversight – limitations that included diluting oversight of economic development efforts.

Of course, there is no way to know for sure if that decision led to the corruption scandals that hit the Administration, but it’s fair to say that it might have made the now-disgraced former aides to the governor a bit more cautious had they known that the Comptroller was watching.

At the heart of the scandals were two non-profit entities set up by state government to act on its behalf and that were central to advancing programs around the governor’s so-called “Buffalo Billion” economic development plan. 

The corruption cases brought by the U.S. Attorney that led to the convictions of the governor’s top aides as well as the leader of New York’s hi-tech economic development efforts highlighted that the secrecy surrounding their deal making contributed mightily to a culture in which the risk of corruption grew. 

And that risk led to the misuse of taxpayers’ dollars through sweetheart deal-making between government officials and lobbyists, “pay-to-play” campaign practices that hinged on big campaign contributions from those receiving lucrative government contracts, and a web of shadowy corporate entities created by the government through which billions of taxpayer dollars were spent outside of the normal transparency measures required of traditional government entities.

Waste, fraud and abuse not only waste tax dollars, they erode the public’s confidence in its government.  The state Constitution established a Comptroller’s office to be an independent bean counter and help bolster public confidence in governmental finances. 

It’s clear that those powers should now be restored and strengthened.

The governor was correct in his State of the State address that steps should be taken to enhance the powers of the Comptroller.  But actions speak louder than words.  The governor must make good on his pledge.

A Rising Addiction Threat That Targets Kids

Posted by NYPIRG on August 5, 2019 at 3:31 pm

We all know the terrible statistics about smoking.  Hundreds of thousands of Americans die each year due to tobacco use.  It is the leading cause of cancer deaths among men and women.  Tobacco use is also addicting.  It’s an unusual product, that when used as directed, addicts and kills.

The problem for the tobacco industry is getting people hooked.  Starting to smoke or chew tobacco is not fun; it tastes awful, it hurts your throat and makes you cough.  The industry knows this and glamorized tobacco use through such images as the Marlboro Man to lure people into the habit.

We know that the vast majority of tobacco users start before the age of 18.  Nearly 90 percent of all tobacco users start before the age of 18 with the average age of initiation being 14.

How does the industry get children to not only try tobacco products, but to actually be able to tolerate those initial experiences?  They do it by offering tobacco products with candy and other sweet flavors.  The evidence of the tobacco industry’s strategies was so compelling that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned the sale of candy-flavored cigarettes, although continues to allow it for small cigars, known as cigarillos, and pipe tobacco.

Yet, smart public health strategies like raising the price of tobacco products through higher levels of taxation, restricting the use of tobacco products in public and work places, as well as funding aggressive public health marketing, particularly to kids, has drastically reduced the rate of tobacco use in the United States.  The rate of tobacco use among teens has dropped dramatically as well.

And without teens taking up this deadly addiction, the tobacco industry has seen the writing on the wall.  Without youthful “replacement smokers,” the tobacco industry will eventually die off.

So they have embraced a new product, while employing the same tactics.

The new products are electronic cigarettes, or “e-cigarettes.”  E-cigs are a new technology in which the user does not inhale smoke, but the vapor from an electronic device.  E-cigarettes are sleek, high tech and easy to hide. They look like USB flash drives and can be charged in the USB port of a computer.  They don’t look anything like a traditional tobacco product.  And they’re small enough to fit in a closed hand.

E-cigarettes deliver nicotine in the same way as cigarettes do, but without all of the smoke.  They also pack quite a punch; e-cigarettes deliver a much higher dose of nicotine than traditional burned cigarettes.

The tobacco industry has seen the potential; they have invested billions of dollars in the e-cigarette industry.

E-cigarette companies are using a tactic used for decades by the tobacco industry: heavy advertising and offering “starter” products with sweet tastes.  

As a result, e-cigarettes have flooded the market in recent years, contributing to skyrocketing rates of youth tobacco product use.  Vaping among high school students increased nationally nearly 80 percent from 2017 to 2018, with 1 in 5 high schoolers using these products. 

How did a generation become hooked on e-cigarettes so quickly? A major factor has been flavored products. With flavors like mango, vanilla, and mint, e-cigarette makers have created a line of products with massive appeal to teens.  A Surgeon General’s report cited a study that found 81.5 percent of current youth e-cigarette users said they use the products because “they come in flavors that I like.” 

Because these candy-like flavors mask the nasty taste, kids often don’t realize that they’re using nicotine, or understand how dangerous it is. The Surgeon General’s office recently found that over 60 percent of high schoolers believe occasional use of e-cigarettes causes little harm – a claim that the medical community has refuted time and again – and another survey found that more than 60 percent of young adult users didn’t know the product always contains nicotine.  In fact, one e-cig pod can contain as much nicotine as an entire pack of twenty cigarettes. 

For years, tobacco use among young people saw a steady decline.  However, that progress is now at risk due to the rapid rise of e-cigarettes.  As the U.S. Surgeon General has commented, “The recent surge in e-cigarette use among youth, which has been fueled by new types of e-cigarettes that have recently entered the market, is a cause for great concern. We must take action now to protect the health of our nation’s young people.”

New York lawmakers can show the nation how to take action by starting to ban the use of candy-flavored tobacco and e-cigarettes products.  We must do what we can to prevent children from getting hooked on this lethal nicotine addiction.

Plastic Pollution Is Both a Trash Problem and a Global Warming One

Posted by NYPIRG on July 29, 2019 at 11:47 am

Plastic pollution is a major problem for the world.  Not only does plastic pollution choke waterways, devastate sea life, and pose a health threat, but plastic manufacturing also plays a significant role in the fight over curbing greenhouse gas emissions. 

The crisis over the mass production and disposal of plastic products hit home when the Chinese government made a decision in 2017 not to accept any more of our plastic waste.  China had been one of the nation’s chief dumping grounds for plastic trash since the mid-1990s.  Its refusal to continue has forced American national, state and local governments to grapple with the excessive amount of plastic pollution we generate.

In addition, plastic pollution has had a devastating impact on the world’s oceans.  Pictures of sea life killed or injured by plastic products highlighted, in a way no policy paper could, that plastic trash in the oceans poses a threat to the animals and fish that live there.  Estimates are that by the middle of this century, there will be more plastic than fish – by weight – in the oceans.

Plastic products can leach contaminants that pose a public health threat.  Black plastic, used in everything from kitchen utensils to children’s toys, cellphone cases, and thermoses, appears to be particularly dangerous.  The plastic is often sourced from recycled electronics that contain phthalates and heavy metals.  Even at very low levels, these chemicals can cause serious health problems.

The spread of single-use plastics often sold to consumers as protection from contamination, has allowed the underlying chemicals that make up plastics to show up in our food and water.  Bottled water, sales of which are increasing in part because people are seeking alternatives to contaminated local water supplies, now contain plastic as well.  A 2018 study found that 93 percent of bottled water samples contained microplastics, the tiny bits of plastic that result as plastic breaks down into smaller pieces.

Due to the rising environmental and public health threats posed by plastics, a growing number of communities are enacting new restrictions.  In March, the European Union voted to ban single-use plastics by 2021.  In June, Canada followed suit, with its Prime Minister pledging to not just ban single-use plastics such as bags, straws, and cutlery, but also to hold plastics manufacturers responsible for their waste.  One hundred and forty-one countries, including China, Bangladesh, India, and thirty-four African nations, have implemented taxes or partial bans on plastics.

Here in the United States, eight states have enacted plastic restrictions and more than 330 local plastic bag ordinances have passed in 24 states.  Thanks to passage of legislation this year, New York State will ban the distribution of single-use plastic bags in March of 2020.

The industry is now organizing itself to combat this rising tide of new restrictions on plastics.  And here is the global warming tie in.  Plastic is almost entirely the product of fossil fuels.  Plastics are derived from materials such as cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt and crude oil.  

As a result, oil and gas companies are deeply engaged in the current plastics market now worth hundreds of billions of dollars annually.  Historically low oil and gas prices have meant that the cost of making new plastic is very low.  The low prices have led to the expansions of old plastic-producing plants and the construction of new ones by Chevron, Shell, Dow, and Exxon, among other companies.

Given the sources of plastic, the fossil fuel industry has a stake in its success and is deeply involved in fighting efforts to reduce the world’s use of plastics.  The various plastics trade associations include big oil companies. 

Two tactics that they are employing include state laws that prohibit localities from enacting municipal restrictions.  This tactic is based on the reasonable belief that the industry’s wealth and political connections make it far more likely to succeed in blocking legislation at the state level than in the hundreds of localities, which are much more sensitive to an energized public.

They also tout the “recyclability” of plastic.  Recycling plastic sounds good, but essentially doesn’t exist in practice.  For example, in 2015, the U.S. recycled about 9 percent of its plastic waste, and since then the number has dropped even lower.

Plastics just end up being dumped in landfills or burned in incinerators (which creates its own environmental and public health problems).  Given the threat of plastics, what should be done?

Here in New York, the state has enacted a strong ban on the retail use of plastic bags; now it must implement it with strong regulations that do not create loopholes for certain plastic bags and which do not undermine existing local bans.  Then the state should follow the lead of some localities that have banned other plastic products.  And lastly, New York should expand its bottle deposit law to include new products.

The fight over plastics is a fight about the enormous waste our society generates, but it is also a battle with an industry that has done more than anyone to pollute the planet and has threatened life on this planet – through the burning of oil, coal and gas which has triggered global warming.

These are existential fights; ones we have to win.

New York Takes the Lead in Tackling the Climate Change Menace

Posted by NYPIRG on July 22, 2019 at 10:57 am

The big state news last week was Governor Cuomo’s approval of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.  The governor signed the legislation with considerable fanfare.  His team organized an event and invited a large crowd of activists, lobbyists, labor groups, businesses and elected officials.

The governor shared the stage with former Vice President Gore, whose movie “An Inconvenient Truth” brought the science of global warming to the general public.

The new law sets ambitious environmental goals for New York State:

  1. The state promises to slash greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors.  Under the bill, greenhouse gas emissions, released by the burning of oil, gas and coal, will be capped in the year 2050 to no more than 15 percent of the total emitted in the year 1990—an 85% reduction in heat-trapping gases. 
  2. The state pledges to boost its reliance on renewable energy.  The law mandates that 70% of the electricity consumed in New York State will come from renewable sources by 2030 and 100% by 2040.  Last year, about 26% of electricity on the state’s grid was generated by renewable sources, with most coming from hydroelectric plants.  Only about 5 percent of the state’s energy is generated by solar, wind and geothermal.
  3. The law is vague on how it will achieve these ambitious goals, but empowers a commission to figure it out.  Overseeing the emissions reductions will be a newly established 22-member New York State Climate Action Council, consisting of state agency leaders, business leaders, community and environmental advocates.  The governor will appoint the members of the council. 

However, the law is supposed to create a process to ensure at least 35% of investments from clean energy funds are invested in lower income and communities of color, which have been disproportionately borne environmental harms .  One criticism of the law was that the final agreement was weaker than supporters wanted with regard to environmental justice requirements and spending.

In his speech at the bill signing event, the governor described four principles that guided his approach to the climate crisis.  He said the legislation needed to set ambitious goals, then develop a realistic plan of action, encourage the participation of businesses that will benefit from the movement away from fossil fuel power, and train the necessary workforce to make the plan a reality.

He commented, that his “Green New Deal” is the “Real Deal.”

But what was missing from the governor’s plan was how to measure its performance.  After all, if the goals are great, but the implementation falls behind, it increases the difficulties in achieving those goals.  Saying that the state will not rely on fossil fuels for its electricity by the year 2040 is laudable, but if meaningful annual steps are not taken each year, that goal will be increasingly out-of-reach.  This concern will be brought in to sharp focus if and when the economy slows down and lawmakers feel pressure to shortchange climate efforts.

And failing to achieve laudable goals has happened before.  In his 2009 State of the State address, then-Governor Paterson, called for an aggressive clean energy plan that set a ’45 by 15′ goal in which 45% of New York state’s electricity needs would be met through improved energy efficiency and a greater use of clean renewable energy by 2015.

Did New York achieve that goal?  Doesn’t look like it. 

Does that mean that the state shouldn’t advance aggressive environmental goals to combat global warming?  Of course not, but an independent and transparent way to monitor progress toward those goals is needed.

The governor should mandate robust annual reporting that includes detailed data on key climate metrics and verifies that the state is moving to reduce its carbon footprint (e.g., changes to its building construction code to maximize energy efficiencies) in order to meet its climate change goals.

Independent monitoring will not only ensure that the state is making progress toward its climate change goals, but also bolster public support for successful programs.  New Yorkers will be asked to participate in a paradigm shift as part of the state’s “Green New Deal.”  We should get annual report cards to see how well we’re doing.